America's Women Cd: Four Hundred Years Of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, And Heroines

America's Women Cd: Four Hundred Years Of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, And Heroines
by Gail Collins / / / PDF

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America's Women

America's Women tells the story of more than four centuries of history. It features a stunning array of personalities, from the women peering worriedly over the side of the Mayflower to feminists having a grand old time protesting beauty pageants and bridal fairs. Courageous, silly, funny, and heartbreaking, these women shaped the nation and our vision of what it means to be female in America.

tells the story of more than four centuries of history. It features a stunning array of personalities, from the women peering worriedly over the side of the Mayflower to feminists having a grand old time protesting beauty pageants and bridal fairs. Courageous, silly, funny, and heartbreaking, these women shaped the nation and our vision of what it means to be female in America. Told chronologically through the compelling stories of individual lives that, linked together, provide a complete picture of the American woman's experience,

Told chronologically through the compelling stories of individual lives that, linked together, provide a complete picture of the American woman's experience,America's Women

America's Women is both a great read and a landmark work of history.

is both a great read and a landmark work of history.

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