Bold Bounty

Bold Bounty
by Adri Amanti / / / Kindle

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Welsh noblewoman Morwen Angmire awaits the arrival of her betrothed, the Marquis Delmore Le Chevreaux of France. But before the Marquis can arrive to claim her, the Northmen raid her fathers keep and take her and several other women away to the harsh, cold north, where Morwen is claimed by Bjorn Halden, the devilish but handsome son of the village chieftain. As winter comes and sailing is treacherous, Morwen must learn to live as a Viking, while to the south some dark horror has arrived in Wales with the French nobleman. Livestock and peasants are found ravaged by what seems to be a large wolf, and the people live in fear. Forced to play the part of Bjorns woman to save her friends, Morwen soon finds life in the village to her liking, and her heart captivated by the Viking who knows so much of the world and its politics and poetry. When Bjorn must leave the village to bring supplies to his people, the Marquis arrives with Morwens father and brother to rescue her. Reluctantly, Morwen agrees to leave the Vikings when it becomes apparent the Marquis will kill them all if she refuses him. As they journey back to France, Morwen learns the truth about the beast she has promised to marry. The Marquis Le Chevreaux isnt just a man. Hes a werewolf. Held prisoner in Le Chevreauxs home, Morwen can only hope Bjorn finds her before she has to marry the monster and submit to his perverse desires. Trigger Warning: Those who have a history of being victimized, or who are sensitive to violence, should consider purchasing and reading this book carefully. There are scenes, some off screen and some on, of extreme violence, including assault and an attack by a werewolf. Please dont purchase this book if such scenes may upset or offend you. Thank you.

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