Good Intended Artificial Intelligence: Connecting The World

Good Intended Artificial Intelligence: Connecting The World
by Freedom Of Mind / / / Kindle

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Why a small book on artificial intelligence, while so many resources already exist? Current times show that the present artificial intelligence is used in very negative ways not in favor of humanity and the well-being of humans. True, many smart algorithms are made and used to increase the wealth and health of large groups of humans around the world. But combined with this increase in wealth and health is the downgrade of the same humanity and humans in ways unforeseen by many people making this artificial intelligence. While many of the engineers who make the artificial intelligence of today are on themselves good intended, they don’t have the insight, knowledge and wisdom to predict and foresee how their productions can be used in negative scenarios against humanity itself. Many artificial intelligence initiatives guided and started by the ruling selfish, greedy and evil elite of many countries around the world are created to increase the wealth and health of the view while enslaving large parts of humanity. This sounds dramatic, but as the chapters in this book will show you, it is already the hard reality: the artificial intelligence of today is used to enslave humanity of the future. That is the main reason why this small book came to existence: to formulate some possibilities how the artificial intelligence initiatives could and should be changed and guided properly towards more responsible solutions benefitting the whole of humanity and lifting it up to levels not even imaginable. We are at the brink of a new world where artificial intelligence will be leading what humanity can and will do. This is unavoidable because it is part of our definition, of what we are, what we can do and what we will create. When this artificial intelligence of the future is not based on the proper foundation conform the positive spiritual Godly vibration of the universe, it will be an antithesis on these very fundamental laws of nature and - by definition - will be destructive and evil against the well-being of humanity and planet earth not to speak of the negative influences it will have on the surroundings of our planet. Current artificial intelligence initiatives MUST change and MUST be based on the proper Spiritual Mathematical laws of nature and architecture in the most basic and elementary parts it consists of, sometimes called the Sacred Geometry of The Universe. Be aware that it is already almost too late. It’s now or never, light or dark and the Dark initiatives have the upper hand at this very moment, as many articles and WikiLeaks posts show of which the Fault 7 files are very insightful. Don’t fool yourself. It’s seven days in May the global dark elite are pulling the strings of most artificial intelligence initiatives steering it towards dark outcomes not in favor of you, us and humanity. These dark initiatives are only created to enrich a small upper elite while enslaving the rest of humanity and the point of no return is almost reached. While the writers of this book formulated some basic possible positive artificial intelligence solutions and architectures, it is up to the bright and smart minds – and the people with the money for that matter – to pick it up and refine it towards the Light Side of artificial intelligence in favor of us all, of humanity, of planet earth and its surroundings. Make no mistake: this MUST be done or else we’re doomed to be slaves for many centuries to come.

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