How To Not Suck At Writing Your First Book: A Book On Writing For People Who Hate Writing

How To Not Suck At Writing Your First Book: A Book On Writing For People Who Hate Writing
by Chandler Bolt / / / EPUB

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Have you always been a TERRIBLE writer? Have you spent months or years trying to write a book, with continued failure? Are you stuck in the vicious cycle of SUCKING at writing? Or maybe you’ve been thinking of writing a book for quite some time now, and you just don’t know how to get started. The whole process seems overwhelming. This conversational and action oriented book is for people who want to write a book (or are thinking about it), but for their whole life, have never been good at writing. Writing has always been difficult for you, and you think you could never enjoy it, much less write an entire book. Every time you start to write anything it’s like all of your ideas disappear. You know the drill. You get ready to do some writing. You’re pumped and think this will be the day all of your great ideas flood the page. Then … You find yourself staring at a blank screen. You have no idea what you want to write about. After some time, you want to bang your head against the keyboard. You want to write a book. In fact, you know you have a book inside you but, you keep telling yourself: “I’m not a writer. I can’t write a book. I don’t have enough time anyway.” There are TONS of myths, misconceptions, and flat-out lies out there about how difficult it is to write your first book. How to Not SUCK at Writing Your First Book busts those myths and challenges everything you’ve been told about writing. This book is filled with proven solutions, options, and problem-solving methods that every first-time author needs to know—no matter what writing challenges you face.

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