Opening The Door Of Your Heart
by Ajahn Brahm /
2014 / English / PDF
161.3 MB Download
Moments of insight, love and compassion flow through Ajahn
Brahm’s stories like rivers of hope. In nearly thirty years as a
Buddhist monk, born and educated in the West but trained in the
Thai forest tradition, Ajahn Brahm has gathered many poignant,
engaging and profound stories from the Buddhist philosophy. He
has taught this philosophy to westerners from all walks of life,
led meditation groups in Australian prisons, and counselled the
distressed, the sick and the bereaved. The stories that emerge,
like the experiences they reflect, are thoughtful, funny and
Moments of insight, love and compassion flow through Ajahn
Brahm’s stories like rivers of hope. In nearly thirty years as a
Buddhist monk, born and educated in the West but trained in the
Thai forest tradition, Ajahn Brahm has gathered many poignant,
engaging and profound stories from the Buddhist philosophy. He
has taught this philosophy to westerners from all walks of life,
led meditation groups in Australian prisons, and counselled the
distressed, the sick and the bereaved. The stories that emerge,
like the experiences they reflect, are thoughtful, funny and
Told with wit and wisdom, these tales reveal moments of
compassion in the lives of ordinary people, expressing their need
to make life meaningful.
Told with wit and wisdom, these tales reveal moments of
compassion in the lives of ordinary people, expressing their need
to make life meaningful.