The Definitive Guide To Pre-medical Postbaccalaureate Programs

The Definitive Guide To Pre-medical Postbaccalaureate Programs
by Alicia McNease Nimonkar / / / Kindle

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The Definitive Guide to Pre-medical Postbaccalaureate Programs is the first book ever to focus exclusively on postbaccalaureate pre-medical programs. It assists students seeking an alternate pathway to medical school, whether they are changing careers or working to improve their undergraduate academic record. It provides: Inspirational interviews with students who have successfully completed postbac programs to matriculate into medical school. Informative interviews with postbac program directors from across the country presenting an intimate introduction to the different programs. Practical advice on selecting the type of program that would be most appropriate based on the students needs. Insightful guidance on applying successfully. Insider advice to ensure that you excel in your postbac program. In addition, the index includes a comprehensive list of all postbac programs in the United States. If you are a non-traditional pre-med, this book is your road map to medical school.

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