Whither Taiwan And Mainland China: National Identity, The State And Intellectuals

Whither Taiwan And Mainland China: National Identity, The State And Intellectuals
by Zhidong Hao / / / PDF

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This is one of the few books that argues for a feasible compromise solution to the political conflict across the Taiwan Strait that still troubles greater China. The author elaborates on the factors both enabling and constraining the formation of a hybrid of federation and confederation. In a unique way he deals with the role of the state and intellectuals (organic, professional, and critical) as well as their interaction in shaping national identities. The important questions raised are Can China become a true world leader? Will Taiwan be a key player in China’s transformation? The book should be of interest to students in political science, sociology, and history, as well as policy-makers and businesspeople who are concerned about the development of cross-Strait relations.

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