Analytic Tomography (encyclopedia Of Mathematics And Its Applications)

Analytic Tomography (encyclopedia Of Mathematics And Its Applications)
by Andrew Markoe / / / PDF

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This book is a comprehensive study of the Radon transform, which operates on a function by integrating it over hyperplanes. The book begins with an elementary and graphical introduction to the Radon transform, tomography and CT scanners, followed by a rigorous development of the basic properties of the Radon transform. Next the author introduces Grassmann manifolds in the study of the k-plane transform (a version of the Radon transform) which integrates over k-dimensional planes rather than hyperplanes. The remaining chapters are concerned with more advanced topics.

This book is a comprehensive study of the Radon transform, which operates on a function by integrating it over hyperplanes. The book begins with an elementary and graphical introduction to the Radon transform, tomography and CT scanners, followed by a rigorous development of the basic properties of the Radon transform. Next the author introduces Grassmann manifolds in the study of the k-plane transform (a version of the Radon transform) which integrates over k-dimensional planes rather than hyperplanes. The remaining chapters are concerned with more advanced topics.

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