Business Intelligence And Data Mining

Business Intelligence And Data Mining
by Anil Maheshwari / / / PDF

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Data Analytics and Data-based Decision-making are hot topics now. Big Data has entered the common parlance. Many kinds of data are generated by business, social media, machines, and more. Organizations have a choice: they can be buried under the avalanche of data, or they can do something with it to increase competitive advantage. A new field of Data Science is born, and Data Scientist has been called the sexiest job of the decade. Students across a variety of academic departments, including business, computer science, statistics, and engineering are attracted to the idea of discovering new insights and ideas from data. This is a proposal for a short and lucid book on this whole area. It is designed to provide a student with the intuition behind this evolving area, along with a solid toolset of the major data mining techniques and platforms, all within a single semester- or quarter-long course.

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