Introduction To Semigroup Theory

Introduction To Semigroup Theory
by J.m Howie / / / PDF

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Semigroup theory is an elementary subject, in the sense that it could very easily be taught to undergraduate students at a fairly early stage in their course. It would indeed be perfectly possible (as for group theory) to write a book on the subject that would be accessible to a reasonably gifted school pupil. 1 have, however, judged that at the time of writing there is no place at all for such a book. In practice, semigroup theory is encountered only by fairly advanced students of mathematics, and there seems no reason to suppose that this situation will change substantially in the near future. Accordingly, while very little actual preliminary knowledge of abstract algebra is required of the reader of this book, I have felt able to assume that he has a modest degree of mathematical sophistication, corresponding perhaps to the level of a senior undergraduate or a junior postgraduate student. The book has in fact grown out of various courses of lectures at postgraduate and final year undergraduate level given in the State University of New Yorkat Buffalo and in the University of St. Andrews.

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