Money And The Real World

Money And The Real World
by Paul Davidson / / / PDF

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IN so me respeets this is a very eontroversial book. There are many passages in whieh I attack with vehemenee the views of others, and it is unlikely that I shall eseape reprisals . It is notorious that controversy in eeonomies is peeuliarly provoeative of irritation . It is, I think, of the essential nature of economic exposition that it gives, not a complete statement, whieh, even if it were possible would be prolix and eomplicated to the point of obscurity but a sampIe statement, so to speak, out of all the things which could be said, intended to suggest to the reader the whole bundle of associated ideas, so that, if he eatches the bundle, he will not in the least be eonfused or impeded by the teehnical ineompleteness of the mere words which the author has written down, taken by themselves.

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