Viet Cong - Special Edition: Charlie And His Deadly Tricks

Viet Cong - Special Edition: Charlie And His Deadly Tricks
by Rainer Salzger / / / PDF

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Countless non-explosive booby traps are used by Charlie, as they serve for the same purpose as anti-personnel-mines or anti-tank mines: to wound soldiers and to slow down troop movements. The concept of non-explosive man-traps is antique, but, in every sense, frighteningly efficient. Just the thought of falling into a pit with sharp stakes, being hit by an arrow, or being crushed by a falling trunk can make the most dauntless soldier be careful. Nowadays most soldiers only have a vague image of all of this, even though mantraps are still being used. This book presents the most of (and best of) these “deadly tricks”. It will help you to be prepared should the time happen to come.

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