Vital Statistics On American Politics 2013-2014

Vital Statistics On American Politics 2013-2014
by Harold W. Stanley / / / PDF

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There is no other print source, online source, or Web search engine that provides the wide range and depth of insight found in Vital Statistics on American Politics. This new edition is updated with the most recent information available, including data on the 2008 presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial elections. Editors Harold Stanley and Richard Niemi consult hundreds of sources to calculate and locate the data, facts, and figures that offer a vivid and multifaceted portrait of the broad spectrum of United States politics and policies. In over 230 tables and figures, researchers at all levels will find chapters devoted to subject areas such as elections and political parties, public opinion and voting, the media, the branches of U.S. government, foreign, military, social and economic policy, and much more. For depth of information and ease of use, this volume is the best resource of its kind and should be a key component of all high school, public, and academic library collections.

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